Tiba2 lak manyak video anak ghimau kn? they so cute..noty...like my aming!

Haiwan..Binatang..kita sepatutnya jaga n hormat mereka.. mereka makhluk Allah.. kalo mereka x mengancam kita.. xpatut kita nk mmbenci n membuat keganasan pd mereka.. tol x?

Ermm.kalo la aku dapat belo anak2 ghimau ni kn?? seko pon jd  laaa... leh kwn2 ngan aming aku..ngehehe.. =p

my name is aming.. hensem kn sy??

Save Homeless Animals With Your Facebook / Blog

Save Homeless Animals With Your Facebook / Blog: "Play a crucial role in helping the homeless animals by showcasing them in your Facebook, Twitter or Blog. 5 minutes of your time can save dozens of lives!"

Tiger Cubs Keep Mom Busy

Siamese Kitten Owner's Pet - 9 Months, Aming from Melaka - PetFinder.my

Siamese Kitten Owner's Pet - 9 Months, Aming from Melaka - PetFinder.my: "

Find cute Siamese kittens and cats for adoption and sale at PetFinder.my. Siamese kitten, owner's pet, 9 Months, Aming from Melaka. Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, birds and other cute animals are available here."

Cute Baby Tiger Cub Week 3

Funny Baby Tiger!!!

CUTEST baby tiger